
Teamviewer is not working
Teamviewer is not working

teamviewer is not working

Furthermore, all this is aggravated if we consider that the connection under CG-NAT is carried out by the operator. There is no doubt that this is a major drawback for those who make regular use of this program. In short, and for us to understand each other, if you use CG-NAT on your internet connection, the remote desktop program can block the version for personal use. As you can imagine, this can become a serious inconvenience for some, especially when it is totally false that a commercial use of TeamViewer is being used. When trying to Remote Control, a banner message comes up on TV. The other parts of the app (Dashboard, Apps and Settings) all work fine. TeamViewer Quick Support (TV QS) app can be installed (from Play Store), runs and can be connected to BUT the actual remote control screen won't connect.

teamviewer is not working

This means that the program understands that we are making commercial use of it, so it bans us and does not allow us to connect remotely. TeamViewer Quick Support not working on Motorola phones. In fact, TeamViewer blocks your connections by making use of private or personal mode. Well, some who are currently connecting to the internet under CG-NAT, suffering from certain blocks when using the aforementioned program. Thus it is achieved that the same public IP address is shared with many users of the same operator. Broadly speaking, this is a technology by means of which the operator saves the usual public IP. To give us a more concrete idea, they are checking how the platform blocks their personal use when they connect under CG-NAT. We tell you all this because some of them are currently reporting usage errors when working with the program in private or personal mode. TeamViewer blocks personal use mode for some

Teamviewer is not working